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No. Date
SEP-15(SUP-15) Revised Supplementary Result of 2K14/NST/11 473 31/12/15
-------- Some Semester Result of 2K11/ME/175 473 31/12/15
May-15(E-15) Some Consolidated Result of B.Tech. 473 31/12/15
May-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of B.Tech.(Electrical Engineering) 472 30/12/15
May-15(E-15) Some Final Semester Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) 472 30/12/15
------- Consolidated Result of 2K13/NSE/03 471 30/12/15
------- Some Supplementary and Other Results of B.Tech./B.Tech.(Eve.) 470 15/12/15
------- Some Result of B.Tech.: Consolidated and Not Declared 469 11/12/15
Dec-14(O-14) Revised Result of 2K11 Batch CE 7 Semester 468 08/12/15
May-15(E-15) Some Consolidated Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) 467 03/12/15
O-14,E-15 Some Results of B.Tech. Exam Held in -Dec-14, May-15 467 01/12/15
O-14,E-15 Some Discrepancy Results of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 466 27/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Supplementary Result B.Tech. Even Semesters 466 27/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Some Supplementary Result B.Tech. 465 23/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Supplementary Result M.Tech./MBA 464 22/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Supplementary Result B.Tech.(Eve.) 463 22/11/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.(FT) Final Semester(IV) Result 462 22/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Supplementary Result B.Tech. I Semester 461 21/11/15
SUPPL.-2015 Supplementary Result B.Tech. III, V & VII Semester 460 20/11/15
-------- Some Consolidated and Revised Result B.Tech./B.Tech.(Eve.) 458 10/11/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of 2K11/AE/85 457 03/11/15
MAY-14/15(E-14/15) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 456 18/11/15
MAY-15(E-15) Ph.D. Course Work Result, Department of Applied Mathematics 455 15/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of 2K10/EP/01 and 2K11/CECE/35 ; Semester Result of 2K12/EE/01 454 16/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Revised, Consolidated and Final Semester Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) 453 13/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 452 08/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of 2K11/MC/60 451 06/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Consolidated/Revised/Withdrawal Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 450 01/10/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Final Semester Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) 449 30/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Final Semester Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) and Back Paper Result 448 24/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Consolidated Result of B.Tech. 447 22/09/15
------- Some Discrepancy Revised and New Result of B.Tech. 446 17/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Back Paper Result M.Tech. 446 16/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Final Semester Result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) and Back Paper Result of 2K11/STE/23 445 15/09/15
------ Some Discrepancy New and Revised Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 444 14/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Ph.D. Course Work Result held in May-15 443 10/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result M.Tech. { C&I - 4nos., PSY- 4nos., SWE - 6nos.} 443 10/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result EMBA 2K13 Batch 442 09/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy, Revised, Withdrawal of Result B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 441 08/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Students Result of 2K11 Batch 440 04/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of B.Tech.( CE, EE, EN - 2K11 Batch) 439 03/09/15
MAY-14, 15(E-14, 15) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech.(Eve.) 438 01/09/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Consolidated and Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 437 27/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 436 20/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result of M.Tech. (2K13/SWE/11 and 2K13/PSY/7 ) 435 19/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Consolidated Result of B.Tech. ( 2K10 Batch ) 434 18/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) M.Tech. Final Semester Result 2K13 Batch{ SWE-5nos, CSE-3nos, C&I-1nos, PSY-6nos, ISY-5nos, MOC-2nos, VLS(2K12 Batch)- 1nos } and Result Withdrawn of 2K10/EC/81 433 17/08/15
O-14/E-14,15 Some Discrepacny Revised and Consolidated Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 432 14/08/15
O-13/E-15 M.Tech.(P.T.) Result { Sem II - STE, C&I ; Sem IV - STE, C&I, CSE, PES; Sem I- SWT } and some Discrepancy Result of May-15 and Dec-13 432 14/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result Result B.Tech.(Eve.)- 62 nos. 431 13/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result Result B.Tech. { IT, EL(2k11/EL/62) } and Discrepancy Result of (2K11/SE/8) 430 11/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result Result B.Tech. { CO, EL(2k11/EL/74) } and Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 429 07/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Consolidated Result M.Tech { PIE-3nos, ENE-10nos, BIO-7nos, C&I-1nos, CSE-1nos, GTE-8nos, ISY-6nos, MOC-9nos, SPD-5nos, STE-4nos}; Discrepancy Result (2K14/STE/11); Final Sem Result(2K12/MOC/8) 428 05/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy Cases of B.Tech. VI and VIII 428 05/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) M.Tech. Consolidated Result (2K11/SPD/27); MBA Consolidated Result 2K13 Batch (74 nos.) 427 04/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) M.Tech. Final Semester Result {SPD(PT)-2K11(1nos.), BIO-7nos., MOC-2nos., ISY-4nos., CSE-1nos. }; M.Tech. II Semester Result {PIE}; M.Tech. Consolidated Result {2K13/SPD/28}; Some Discrepancy and Revised Result of B.Tech.(Eve.) and MBA(2K14/MBA/23) 426 03/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) B.Tech. VI Semester Result CE Regular and Back 426 03/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy Revised and Year Back Result 425 03/08/15
MAY-15(E-15) B.Tech. II Semester Back Paper Result 424 30/07/15
MAY-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy B.Tech.(IV/VI), Lateral Entry and Year Back Result 423 30/07/15
MAY-15(E-15) M.Tech. II Semester Result { PSY, IBT, STE, THE } 422 30/07/15
MAY-15(E-15) M.Tech.(F.T.) Final Semester Result { C&I-4nos, ISY-1nos, MOC-2nos, PSY-5nos, SPD-1nos, SWE-2nos} and Consolidated reult of { CSE-13nos, SWE-4nos, PSY-4nos } 421 29/07/15
MAY-15(E-15) B.Tech. IV Semester Back Paper Result ; Lateral Entry and Year Back Result 420 28/07/15
MAY-15(E-15) Final Semester Result of M.Tech. { ENE - 8nos., SPD-6nos., STE-4nos., MOC-4nos., ISY-1nos., CSE-13nos., SWE-4nos.} and Consolidated Result of PTE(8nos.) 419 28/07/15
E-14,E-15 Back Paper Result of B.Tech. VI Semester Except CE and Some Discrepancy Result 418 27/07/15
O-13,O-14,E-15 Some Discrepancy and Revised Result of B.Tech. 417 23/07/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.(Part Time ) Result { PIE - II, IV ; CSE - II ; SPD - II, IV } 416 23/07/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech. Final Semester Result { Full Time : GTE(9 nos.), PSY(4 nos.), PTE(8 nos.), C&I(1 nos.) and Part Time : C&I (1 nos.) } 415 22/07/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech. Consolidated Result (EC, EP, PS ) 414 21/07/15
May/Dec-14(O,E-14) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 413 21/07/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech.(Eve.) Result (Branch : CE, Sem : VI & IV) and Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 412 16/07/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.{ NST, BME, SPD, PIE(Back only) } Sem II Result and EMBA Sem-IV Result , Exam Held : May/June-2015 411 13/07/15
Dec-14(O-14) Some Discrepancy of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.); Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 410 09/07/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.(Part Time) Branch-SWT, Sem-IV Result , Exam Held : May/June-2015 409 07/07/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech.(Eve.) II, IV, VI Semester Result , Exam Held : May/June-2015 408 06/07/15
May-15(E-15) Some Discrepancy Result, exam held : May/June-2015 407 03/07/15
May-15(E-15) Consolidated Result B.Tech. Branch : AE, PE, MC 406 03/07/15
May-15(E-15) Consolidated Result B.Tech. Branch : Mechanical Engineering 405 02/07/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech. Result CE(IV Sem), SE(IV Sem, and 6 cases of VIII Sem) 404 02/07/15
O-14, E-15 B.Tech. Result Withdrawn of some students 403 02/07/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech. IInd Semester Result 402 30/06/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.(F.T.) IInd Semester Result 3 Branches( GTE,CDN,VLS ) 401 30/06/15
May-15(E-15) Revised result IV Semester MBA of 2K13/MBA/29 400 29/06/15
May-15(E-15) Some not declared/revised cases B.Tech. VIII Semester 399 29/06/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech.(Eve.) VIII semester regular and back result 398 26/06/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech. IV semester regular result except CE, SE 397 26/06/15
May-15(E-15) MBA ( II /IV ) and EMBA ( II ) Semester Results 396 25/06/15
May-15(E-15) M.Tech.(F.T.) IInd Semester Result 11 Branches 395 25/06/15
May-15(E-15) B.Tech. VIth Semester Result except CE 394 25/06/15
O-14,E-15 Some Discrepancy,Revised and Final Sem Result of M.Tech/M.Tech.(PT) 393 11/06/15
May-15(15-E) Result 8th Sem Except AE, ME, PE : Exam Held : May/June-2015 392 09/06/15
May-15(15-E) Result 8th Sem AE, ME, PE : Exam Held : May/June-2015 391 08/06/15
Dec-14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech.(Eve.) 390 28/05/15
O-13,E-14 Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 389 26/05/15
---------- Consolidated Result B.Tech. (2K10/EL/53) 388 25/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Consolidated Result B.Tech. and M.Tech.(P.T.) 387 22/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech./B.Tech.(Eve.) 386 22/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Consolidated Result B.Tech.(Eve.) 385 15/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) M.Tech. Final Semester Result(2K12/PIE/18) 384 15/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Results of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 383 13/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy, Revised, New Results of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 382 11/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy(2K11/EL/32,2K12/IT/24,2K11/IT/24) and Consolidated(2K09/EP/324) Result 381 06/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Ph.D. course work result of AC Department 380 01/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) 379 01/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Consolidated Result of 5 Students of IT( 2K10 Batch ) and Result of Tarun Sehrawat(2K10/SE/65) 378 01/05/15
Dec 14(14-O) Revised Result of 5 Students of IT 377 01/05/15
E-14,O-14 Some Discrepancy cases of B.Tech. and B.Tech.(Eve.) ; Exam Held : May/June and Nov/Dec-2014 376 24/04/15
E-14,O-14 Consolidated Result M.Tech. 375 20/04/15
Dec 14(14-O) B.Tech.(Eve.) Rechecking Result ; only change case rest have no change in their Result 374 17/04/15
E-14,O-14 Consolidated Result B.Tech.; Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech.(Eve.) 374 17/04/15
E-14,O-14 Some Discrepancy and Revised Result of B.Tech 371-73 16/04/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Cases of B.Tech.; Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 370 09/04/15
E-14,O-14 Final Sem result of M.Tech.(FT/PT) and Some Discrepancy Result M.Tech.(PT) 368 09/04/15
--------- Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. 369 08/04/15
--------- Consolidated Result of Mr. Shakti Mann(2K10/AE/58) 367 07/04/15
Dec 14(14-O) Back Paper Result of Mr. Rahul Bijalwan, Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 366 01/04/15
Dec 14(14-O) Ph.D. Course Work Result of Sanjay Upreti and Rahul Bansal, Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 365 31/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech./M.Tech., Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 364 30/03/15
------- Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech.; Revised and Consolidated Result of B.Tech.(Eve.) 363 27/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some Discrepancy and Lateral Entry Result of B.Tech. Result ; Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 362 19/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Ph.D. Result of Mr. Sachin Kr. Aggarwal; Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 361 17/03/15
---------- Some Discrepancy Result of B.Tech. ; Exam : Nov/Dec-2014 and May/June-2014 360 16/03/15
---------- Some Discrepancy Result(B.Tech./B.Tech.(Eve.)) ; Exam : Nov/Dec-2013 and May/June-2014 359 10/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Rechecking Result(B.Tech./M.Tech./MBA) except B.Tech.(Eve.) ; Only change cases rest have no change in their result; Exam : Nov/Dec-2014 358 03/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Revised Result M.Tech.(ISY) semester III; Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 357 03/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Result of 2K13/EL/37 sem III exam held Nov/Dec-2014 356 02/03/15
------------- Consolidated Result 2K10/MBA/61 355 02/03/15
Dec 14(14-O) Discrepancy Result M.Tech.(FT/PT) exam held Nov/Dec-2014 354 26/02/15
Dec 14(14-O) Some discrepancy Cases B.Tech. III & V Semester 353 25/02/15
May 14(14-E) Result of 2K11/MC/52(sem 6 ) and 2K10/EL/19(sem 4 back) 352 23/02/15
14(14-E/14-O) Revised Result BME(Ist Sem Nov/Dec-14) and Result of 2K11/AE/29(May/June-14) 351 23/02/15
May 14(14-E) M.Tech. Revised Result ( 2K12/PTE/16 ) 350 19/02/15
Dec 14(14-O) M.Tech. Result ( 2K13/CDN/08) 350 19/02/15
Dec 14(14-O) Back Paper B.Tech.(Evening) Result 349 19/02/15
Dec 14(14-O) Back Paper result sem 1 ( 2K12, 2K13 Batch ) 348 06/02/15
Dec 14(14-O) Back Paper result sem 1 ( 2K09, 2K10, 2K11 Batch ) 347 04/02/15
------------ Consolidated result SE, IT 2K10 Batch 346 29/01/15
Dec 14(14-O) B.Tech. III Semester Back Paper Result 345 30/01/15
May 14(14-E) B.Tech. II Semester Result of two Year Back Students 344 29/01/15
Dec 14(14-O) M.Tech.(P.T.) Result and M.Tech. Back Paper and Revised/Not Declared Result 343 27/01/15
Dec 14(14-O) B.Tech. Back V Semester Result 342 27/01/15
Dec 14(14-O) B.Tech. Back VII Semester Result 341 21/01/15
May 14(14-E) M.Tech.(P.T.) II Semester Result of 2K13/C&I/10 340 19/01/15
May 14(14-E) Revised Result of 5 Students of IT ( 2K10 Batch ) 339 15/01/15
Dec 14(14-O) Ph.D. Course Work Result 338 15/01/15
May 14(14-E) B.Tech.(Evening) Sem IV Result of - 2K12/CEEC/172 337 14/01/15
DEC 14(14-O) B.Tech. Revised Result Branch : MC ; Exam Held : Nov/Dec-2014 337 09/01/15
DEC 14(14-O) M.Tech. Sem III ( 7 Branches) Result 336 07/01/15
DEC 14(14-O) B.Tech. Sem V ( MC, EN ) Result 335 06/01/15
DEC 14(14-O) B.Tech.(Evening) Civil Engineering Sem III Result 334 06/01/15
DEC 14(14-O) B.Tech.(Evening) EE Sem III and CE Sem V Result 333 01/01/15
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